Reporting Dimensions

Reporting Dimensions

Reporting Dimensions play an important role for Subgroups. As further explained in the section “ISO-Codes”, the ISO-Codes state that basis for the Blending in the calculations. This leads to aggregated results on a per-country-basis. When it comes to sub-groups, this might not be sufficient, since subgroups, such as Joint Ventures, or Investment Entities, state their own blending circle. It also may be possible, that you have companies, that must be in a separate blending circle for the C4 – Jurisdictional Blending but not for the C1 – Safe Harbor Check. For more information on this matter, please see the section on “Administration”. To offer greatest flexibility in establishing company specific blending circles, Reporting Dimensions will create separate blending circles within one country.

Video: Creation of a Reporting Dimension Type


03 - RepDim - Basic Setup.mkv
Tutorial: Creation of a Reporting Dimension Type

Creation of a Reporting Dimension Type

To create a Reporting Dimension, one first must establish the Reporting Dimension type in the “Administration” area of the Master Data. Under the tab “Miscellaneous” there is the possibility to create a Reporting Dimension type by assigning an ID and giving a name to your Reporting Dimension type. With a click on “Create” the Reporting Dimension type is established and can be seen in the list of Reporting Dimension types on the right side of the page. It is easily possible to overwrite Reporting Dimension types, so make sure, that you choose an ID, that isn’t already used for other purposes. If you want the Reporting Dimension type to be translated in different languages, just choose the language and the respective ID you want to translate and click on the button “Create”.

Creation Reporting Dimension Type

Video: Creation of a Reporting Dimension and Assigning it to a CE

03 - RepDim.mkv
Video: Creation of a Reporting Dimension and Assigning it to a CE

Creation of a Reporting Dimension

Once the Reporting Dimension Type is established, one can add various Reporting Dimensions. This can be done in the section “Reporting Dimension” of the Master Data. The area gives an overview about already existing Reporting Dimensions and the Type they belong to. To create a new Reporting Dimension, you should click on the button “Create” to open a detailed view on the Reporting Dimension you want to create.

A Reporting Dimension can be established based on a copy of an already existing Reporting Dimension, or the data needed is manually typed in the respective entry fields. You need to assign an ID (without blank characters, numbers and text are valid) and a name for the Dimension. They may be called “Joint Venture Y”, “INV X” or “STATELESS”. Finally, the Reporting Dimension Type already established for Pillar 2 purposes can be selected.

Creation of a Reporting Dimension

Assigning Reporting Dimensions to CE

After both Reporting Dimension types and Reporting Dimensions are created, the Reporting Dimensions can be assigned to the respective companies. That means for example, that in all companies that are part of the blending circle of a Joint Venture, the respective Reporting Dimension (e.g. “02 JV”) has to be assigned. This can be done in the Detail view of a company in the section “Companies” of the Master data. By clicking on the symbol to edit the data of the company you can find the Reporting Dimension types established in the tab “Company data” on the lower part of the page and choose the Reporting Dimension you want to add to this company. Make sure you click on the plus icon on the right side of the page, so that the Reporting Dimension is added to the page.

Selection of Reporting Dimensions for CEs

Once the Reporting Dimension is added, also multiple Reporting Dimensions can be assigned, e.g. for an investment company within a Joint Venture circle. There is also the possibility to undo the assignment of a Reporting Dimension by clicking on the garbage can on the right side of the side.

Using Reporting Dimensions for Blending Circle in the Pillar 2 calculation

The Reporting Dimension Types for the Blending can be chosen in the dialogue “Administration” in the section Pillar 2 // Cockpit // Administration.

It is possible, that the Blending Circle of the Jurisdictional Blending differs from the Blending Circle for the Safe Harbour Check. Therefore, the GTC offers the possibility to create different Reporting Dimension Types.

Generally, the blending follow the ISO-Codes of the countries. Reporting Dimensions give the possibility to create Subgroups within a jurisdiction.

The following table shows, for which calculations, the reporting dimension types selected create subgroups:

CbCR-Safe Harbour Blending

The Reporting Dimension Type chosen here is used to create Subgroups in the calculations C1 – Safe-Harbour Check and C3 – De Minimis Check.

Top-Up Tax Blending

The Reporting Dimension Type chosen here is used to create Subgroups in the calculations C4 – Jurisdictional Blending


The “X-GmbH” and “Y-GmbH” belong to the country Germany, which is selected in the company master data. The “Y-GmbH” is an investment company in the sense of Pillar 2. The ISO-Code of the country Germany “DE” is selected in the country master data. If no Reporting Dimensions are established, for all calculations the X-GmbH and Y-GmbH are blended for the jurisdiction “DE”. Now a Reporting Dimension “Pillar 2 – T1” is established and a Reporting Dimension “INV-A” is selected for the “Y-GmbH” in the company master data. If the “Pillar 2 – T1” Reporting Dimension Type is selected for the Top-Up Tax Blending but not for the CbCR-Safe Harbour Blending, the Investment company will be separated from all other CEs that are connected to the ISO-Code DE but haven’t selected the Reporting Dimension “INV-A” in the jurisdictional blending. If selected for the CbCR-Safe Harbour Blending, the “Y-GmbH” will be separated from other CEs with the ISO-Code “DE” also for the Safe-Harbour Check and the De Minimis Check.

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