XBRL Tagger Changelog
Sebastiano Mussi
Nomsa Chirwa
For any issues with the Tagger version you are using, please contact us at xbrl-support@amana.lucanet.com
Fixed an issue where a summation-item was missing from the calculation-linkbase [REX-6998]
Fixed an issue where the selected calculation settings were overwritten upon application restart [REX-6992]
Fixed an issue where locators were not added to the taxonomy [REX-6979]
Added Escape Attribute information to the Textblock Report. [REX-5894]
".xbri" files are now visible by default in the Merge iXBRL Files window. [REX-6040]
Updated the default options in the Merge window. [REX-6123]
Added colors and element types to the Textblock Report Excel export. [REX-6543]
Added DK-GAAP taxonomy 2024 to the XBRL Cache and Taxonomy Selection dropdown. [REX-6679]
Removed the Label option "Standard Role with Priority". [REX-6060]
Fixed an issue where an error occurred after trying to delete an additional taxonomy from the Manage Additional Taxonomies menu. [REX-5949]
Fixed an issue where the wrong Entry Point for the ESEF Taxonomy was loaded when selecting UKSEF. [REX-5999]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases document loading failed with the error message: "startIndex cannot be larger than length of string. (Parameter 'startindex')". [REX-6199]
Fixed an issue where content in Inline Viewer was not correctly aligned for Word files. [REX-6271]
Fixed an issue where the Summation item definition did not change based on the Calculation Linkbase Validation selection. [REX-5898]
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to filter the taxonomy to display only Booleans or Enumerations. [REX-6569]
Fixed an issue where Guidance 3.2.2 was incorreclty triggered due to the use of http instead of https. [REX-6821]
UI Changes:
Improved the message for escape attribute adjustment in the toolbox (no change in behavior). [REX-6061]
Shortened the display of names for some taxonomy entries in the bottom-right corner tab. [REX-6092]
Corrected the French translation for period start date [REX-6460]
Corrected the German translation for Role Order. [REX-6700]
Corrected the German translation for XBRL Files Tree. [REX-1915]
Add ESMA 2024 Taxonomy to Taxonomy Selection & XBRL-Cache [REX-6519]
Fixed an issue where in PDF files the text selection marker moved after using zoom in/out button [REX-6190]
Fixed an issue where Tagger restored textblock tags incorrectly [REX-6236]
Fixed an issue where Tables do not get converted correctly when enclosed in a content control [REX-6095]
UKSEF 2025 taxonomy has been added to the XBRL Cache. [REX-5889]
It is now possible to select "NetLabel" in "Preferred Label Role" dropdown. [REX-5726]
TextBlockReport and MappingReport now display values for Booleans and Enumerations. [REX-3686]
It is now possible to set the version component of a report file name in the Document settings. [REX-3448, REX-3447]
Updated the XBRL Cache to include the DK-GAAP 2023 taxonomy [REX-5584].
Updated the XBRL Cache to include the CIPC SA 2024 taxonomy [REX-3235].
Toolbox now sets @escape attribute according to Guidance 2.2.7 changes in the ESEF 2024 Filing Rules [REX-3632]
In Report Generation window, "Report-Package" option is now the default package type. [REX-3446]
Additional datatypes were added to extension item type dropdown. [REX-218]
UI Changes:
Adjusted the shown date format in the Toolbox (no changes in behaviour) [REX-5868]
Adjusted error message text from DuplicateMapping to InconsistentDuplicateMapping. [REX-697]
Adjusted message on table deletion to clarify which elements will be deleted. [REX-93]
Adjusted message on decision between creating a duplicate or a text block continuation. [REX-91]
Fixed an issue where entering an invalid date in a date field would result in an error. [REX-5877]
Fixed an issue where right clicking on a blank PDF page would result in an error. [REX-5585]
Fixed an issue where role structure names were not carried over correctly. [REX-1419]
ESEF 2024 Filing Rule changes:
Created ESMA 2024 filing rules [REX-5650]
Guidance 2.2.7: Updated Textblock validation and error name [REX-3443]
Guidance 2.6.2: Removed current check and replaced it with Report Package 1.0 specification [REX-5598]
Guidance 2.6.3: Added new property for version number [REX-5750]
Guidance 2.6.3: Added a filling rule check for the filename version number [REX-5599]
Guidance 3.4.1: Updated the error codes for Calculation 1.1. [REX-3454]
Guidance 3.4.1: Calculation 1.1 has been set as default in the calculation linkbase validation [REX-3452]
Guidance 3.2.2: Added check on data type URLs for domain members [REX-5600]
Fixed an issue where the XBRL Cache was not containing the final EFRAG taxonomy. [REX-4725]
Fixed an issue where the final EFRAG taxonomy was not shown in the taxonomy selection view. [REX-4724]
Fixed an issue where changing the User Interface (UI) language resulted in an error. [REX-4726]
The "Save as" function for PDF files now saves both the PDF and the corresponding mapping file under the selected name. [REX-3157]
Footnotes can now be tagged also from the Text Tagging tab. [REX-3431]
Updated taxonomy selection list with the latest EFRAG taxonomy release [REX-3860]
UI Changes:
Improved formatting for the "Migrate Taxonomy" information window. [REX-3163]
Updated displayed values for certain date formats in Document Settings (no changes were made to the date formats themselves). [REX-3434]
Clarified the buttons in the Exit Application window to better indicate their functions. [REX-3744]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases merging reports resulted in nested continuation. [REX-346]
Fixed an issue where the "Unit" property value was not correctly taken over to the neighboring cell with same tag. [REX-1342]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases the tags were not aligned correctly when a table spanned over several pages. [REX-3318]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases the "Import Word document text blocks" into a PDF file would fail. [REX-3319]
Fixed an issue where the "Scale" property reverted to its original value after switching tabs. [REX-3411]
Fixed an issue where columns would shake when resized to certain widths. [REX-3415]
Fixed an issue in the Toolbox where the descriptions of the values for "Replace the Date" were missing. [REX-3437]
It is now possible to filter by Taxonomy Element Type in the Text Tagging tab. [REX-3040]
The description for the "Element Not Found" error has been updated to indicate whether it is an extension element. [REX-1078]
When selecting an extension element, the "Taxonomy Extension Properties" tab now opens automatically. [REX-314]
The entries in the Taxonomy selection dropdown have been updated. [REX-2865]
UI Changes:
Banners have been updated to reflect the new Lucanet design. [REX-3047]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases restoring mappings resulted in infinite loading time. [REX-2907]
Fixed an issue where the package type selection did not work properly during HTML file merging. [REX-494]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases tables were not displayed properly. [REX-1020]
Fixed an issue where tagging of enumerations was deleted when adding dimensions. [REX-1055]
Fixed an issue where the units window was empty. [REX-2819]
Fixed an issue where typed dimension information could not be saved. [REX-2818]
Fixed an issue where opening the Taxonomy registry import window resulted in an error. [REX-2866]
Fixed an issue where table columns were shaking during table tagging. [REX-3415]
Fixed an issue where the scale changes back if switching from "Default Settings" to "Advanced Settings" tab. [REX-3411]
When tagging a continuation, the Continuation Manager allows to select the base text block if this has dimensions. [REX-232]
Users can now define a custom value for scale intensity in Properties and Settings. [REX-40]
Updated information on FAQ entry for pdf2HtmlEx. [REX-214]
When an iXBRL report is generated, more information about the nature of private characters in the document is shown in the validation results. [REX-325]
UnresolvedMapping Error for table tagging now shows more pieces of information about the corresponding table. [REX-436]
Logging improved for Pdf2HtmlEx issues. [REX-548]
Added an option in Application Settings to generate a ZIP file without the reportPackage.json file if this is requested by the authorities. [REX-1315]
The Enumeration Values window now includes a search bar. [REX-1506]
XBRLCache taxonomies have been updated and the new ISSB taxonomy (i.e. IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy from 30.04.2024) is now included as well. [REX-2238]
UI Changes:
The Settings Application window has been updated so that the text is properly aligned for all languages. [REX-936]
Fixed an issue where opening Presentation Roles Order window would result in an error message. [REX-876]
Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown when loading an unmapped document while the XBRL Preview tab was active on another Tagger window. [REX-931]
Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown when trying to change the unit property of a tag. [REX-932, REX-1698]
Fixed an issue where footnotes indicators were not properly included within their cells if a text block tag was applied to a table with the HTML <table> tag activated. [REX-1005]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases hidden elements were falsely included in a generated report. [REX-1283]
Fixed an issue where Toolbox entries went missing when changing the UI language of the application. [REX-1287]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases, when loading a PDF, the Tagger would stall while Processing text blocks. [REX-1384]
Updated the error message for missing Footnote element to clearly indicate which footnote is missing. [4381]
ToolBox Actions can now be enabled/disabled via Application window in Settings. [4325]
Switched “Report Comparer” origin and result view to represent the expected order. [2663]
Superscript footnote numbers are now correctly recognized as footnotes and carried over in the report. [2497]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases some tags were missing after generating an iXBRL report. [5188]
Fixed an issue where Word files would not load correctly in the Tagger when containing superscripts in a table. [4735]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases files would not load up correctly due to NullException error. [4693]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases the SEC prefix would not be carried over correctly. [4482]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases PDFs would not load up correctly due to start node error. [4406]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases the option “Delete Continuation Chain” would not work as intended. [4279]
Fixed an issue where “Registry 3 (SEC)” formats would not be recognized properly. [4162]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases the “Merge iXBRL” functionality would not merge files correctly. [4094]
Fixed an issue where “Undo optimize Page” option would not work. [4023]
Fixed an issue where tags would be misplaced when a table was split on page break. [2730]
Fixed an issue where the Tagger would crash after trying to drag/drop elements from the “Customize Hierarchy” window onto a table. [2603]
Tagger now recognizes superscript digits in Word documents as footnotes in Table view. [2497]
Updated Cache with new UTR release and EFRAG ESRS Draft Taxonomy Release
UI Changes:
The names of items in the dropdown menu for Calculation Linkbase Validation Mode in XBRL Processor Settings have been updated to better reflect the used validation method. [1482]
Fixed an issue where “AT” was not accepted as Publisher Country in Document Settings – Package Settings. [2551]
Fixed an issue where verbose labels for Dimension Members were not set as preferred labels in the report. [2205]
Fixed an issue where the generation of a "Report-Package" type report resulted in an error message. [2760]
Fixed an issue where the XBRL Cache was not deployed correctly. [2752]
Fixed an issue where the "Merge Mapping" function crashed if both files contained the same tag. [2516]
Fixed an issue where a Table tag was not applied when using EFRAG ESG taxonomy. [3763]
Fixed an issue where exporting the Report Comparer results to Excel caused in an error message. [2662]
Fixed an issue where the Extensible Enumeration window was not popping up. [2753]
Fixed an issue where the References were not displayed in the Taxonomy Tree. [3767]
Fixed an issue where the UTR window was not displaying any Units. [3772]
XBRL Files Tree and XBRL Report Comparer now support .xbri files. [1506]
When generating a report, .xbri can now be selected in addition to .zip format. [1494]
Mapping Clipboard now supports hidden elements. [1286]
When an ESEF 2022 Taxonomy is loaded, the corresponding version is now shown in addition to the entry point. [2215]
ESMA 2023 filing rules are now the default filing rules for the validations of ESEF Taxonomy 2022. [1637]
Fixed an issue with Presentation Roles Order that happened when using high resolution monitors. [1507]
Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, opening up the Document Settings resulted in an error message. [2509]
XBRL Files tree now allows to "Copy Hash to Clipboard" via right click on the selected file. [#1334]
It is now possible to tag Extensible Enumerations. [#1087]
The unit of tagged values that are numerical but not monetary is now set by default to "pure" instead of the standard currency. [1461]
The window that pops up when loading a document on the Tagger that has an automatically saved mapping file now shows not only the time but also the date of the auto-saved file. [#1352]
Tagging footnotes in Word documents has been improved. It is now possible to reorder footnotes while keeping the tags correctly attached to the original footnote. It is also possible to tag parts of footnotes. [#1301]
The additional Excel reports that are generated when creating an iXBRL report have been moved to the base folder together with the ValidationResults Excel file. [#1316]
XBRLCache has been updated to include ESMA Taxonomy 2022 v.1.1 [1635]
A check for invalid layers has been added when loading a file in the Tagger. This check also generates a warning message. [1669]
The warning message that pops up when user is exceeding maximum number of layers has been updated. [#1345]
A new option to the PDF Settings has been added: it is now possible to select where pdfToHtmlEx should be located. [#1307]
Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, roll forward resulted in an error message. [1748]
Fixed an issue where the selection of text elements in XHTML documents would vanish. [1569]
When generating an iXBRL report, the newly created folder now opens directly instead of the parent folder. [#1227]
Fixed an issue where the country code in Document Settings would not be properly recognized. [1787]
Tagger now supports RTL language files. [#1169]
Excel reports are now added to the report folder when generating a new report. [#1229]
The displayed date format can now be changed in the Tagger settings. [#1126]
Duplicate Hidden Elements now generate an error in the in-tool validation. [#502]
Deviation in selected Registry now generates an error in the in-tool validation. [#711]
Some additional item types required for ESG were added in the Taxonomy Extension Properties. [#1215]
There is now an option to view the XBRL file tree of a ZIP file. [#1260]
It is now possible to find the used tag in the Taxonomy viewer. [#933]
Default language is now set to language without further locale as recommended in our Documentation. [#1187]
Improved report generation algorithm for some PDF cases. [#1092]
When creating a new layer Tagger now reminds that tables need to be cloned before they can be tagged on the new layer. [#743]
Window placement has been improved. [#1266]
When running "English" as Tagger language, the Default Language for new documents is now "English" instead of "English (US)". [#1186]
When generating the iXBRL Package, the Excel Reports are now added to the destination folder as well. [#1229]
When using the Mapping Clipboard to copy text blocks, now it contains information about the origin layer. [#904]
Entry point for ESEF 2022 is checked automatically to contain https. [#1148]
New continuations are now automatically sorted correctly even when they are tagged before the initial tag belonging to the continuation. [#1262, #1066]
Tagger now displays a message when the weight between two periods of the same tag differs. [#551]
When opening a new file in the Tagger a separate window is opened instead of replacing the old file. [#540]
UI Changes:
Tool Name changed to: LucaNet XBRL Tagger. [#1320]
Tagger settings got redesigned - the settings are now sorted by topic and a search bar has been added (no functionality change). [#1218]
Updated the icon for Validation messages to the new design. [#1287]
Updated the Processor Settings UI. [#1175]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases opening a document would lead to an exception. [#1154]
Fixed an issue where a change in page numbering between versions was not correctly reflected in the Tagger. [#960]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases numbers in brackets were not correctly recognized as negative. [#1258]
Fixed an issue where unresolved mapping would not always be restored correctly. [#953]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases the table headers with some special formatting were not visible in the Inline Viewer. [#1288]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases in Document Settings changing the Label Handling Option would lead to an Unhandled Exception. [#1304]
Fixed an issue where "Profit or Loss" would not be correctly categorized into "Statement" (issue only for EDGAR Viewer). [#1327]
When connecting two tables using the "Label Table ID" of the first table, the table name now also gets transferred. [#1067]
Extension elements now generate new error messages with Intool Validation when they do not contain a standard label or the label role of the element is empty. [#1135]
UI Changes:
Changed the naming of "Layer" in the Dimension Member view to the term "Axis" to align with the terms used in taxonomies (no change of functionality). [#1233]
Adjusted tool tips for several icon buttons to better reflect their purpose. [#1241, #1244, #1246]
Adjusted hover-color in menu bar for better visibility. [#1248]
Adjusted the "Generate iXBRL" icon button to better reflect its purpose. [#1238]
Adjusted the message for "InvalidDimensionError" to better reflect how to resolve it. [#1249]
Fixed an issue where the Label of the Element in "Properties" was not correctly carried over to "Taxonomy Extension Properties". [#546]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases the font folder was causing the Tagger not to start correctly. [#1253]
Fixed an issue where the Continuation would not be properly generated when using the Copy/Paste option in the Text Tagging tab. [#1117]
Fixed an issue where the setting "Target Namespace" in the Document Settings was missing. [#1243]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases an empty cell was included into a calculation. [#1083]
Fixed an issue where the "Update" button would still be active after the latest update was carried out. [#565]
Fixed an issue where an InvalidAnchor error appeared when a subtotal of a sum was replaced by an extension. [#1119]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases the Tagger crashed when loading a file. [#1251]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases the Tagger crashed without an error message [#1222, #1252]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases the generation of the Mapping Report failed with an error message. [#1191]
Fixed an issue where the symbol "*" was not correctly recognized in an HTML table. [#1256]
Fixed an issue where the "Roll forward period" in the "Document settings" was only working after clicking twice. [#1194]
UI has been updated (no functionality change). [#1176, #1217].
Word footnotes can now be tagged with textblocks. [#1093]
Maximum number of layers has been increased to 20. [#1189]
Tags from chapters added in earlier versions of Word file can now be deleted. [#1104]
Error message when Taxonomy Extension is disabled has been improved. [#1130]
Error message when update server could not be reached has been improved. [#1178]
Added "PDF" to the Getting Started window (no functionality change). [#1140]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases an error appeared when trying to open Document Settings. [#680]
Fixed an issue where closing the Document Settings for untagged Word files would lead to an error message. [#1192]
Fixed an issue where clicking the "move down" arrow in the Layer Manager with only one layer present would lead to an error. [#1136]
Fixed an issue with in-place package loading of Word files. [#1600]
Fixed an issue where the "Default status of automatic tagging" set in the Settings was not applied to automatic tags. [#1164]
Fixed an issue where an error appeared when connecting two tables. [#1226]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases tags were shifting after font modification. [#1015]
Updated "Reporting Entity URL" Setting in "Document Settings" to only accept lowercase characters. [#1094]
Fixed an issue where anchors where not visible in the preview file version of a generated XBRL report. [#1203]
Fixed an issue with calculations that allowed a change in the weight and sign logic settings for neighbouring summand cells when target sum element is Balance Type Unknown. [#1202]
Fixed an issue where parent chapter names in pdf documents were not restored when restoring mappings. [#1153]
Fixed an issue where in rare cases renaming a Layer causes the tag from that layer to appear on another one. [#1200]
Fixed an issue where Calculation shows "No summands available" when the Document Setting "Create Taxonomy Extension" was set to No. [#1159]
Fixed an issue where the Reset Filter was disabled when a chapter was selected. [#1195]
Fixed an issue where the Displayed date was not corresponding with local pc format. [#1157]
Tagger now supports Spanish as UI language.
Some translations for French, German, Italian, Polish and Czech have been improved.
Tagger Installation process has been improved to better embed the installation of pdf2HtmlEx.
Report language order has been changed to first show the most widely used languages followed by the list of all other languages in alphabetical order.
Fixed an issue where the options "Filter by Tag" and "Reset Filter" for text tagging were selectable even though the conditions for their use were not actually in place.
Fixed an issue where continuations were sometimes not correctly transferred when using the mapping clipboard.
Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, page to page tagging did not work after performing a roll forward with unresolved mappings.
Fixed an issue where, after editing a table, an additional table was created instead of modifying the one in use.
Fixed an issue with the eBanz Converter that was creating an empty folder on first conversion.
Fixed an issue where font characters were not translated correctly.
Added a dropdown menu to eBanz Word Converter to switch between formats.
Updated iXBRL Viewer.
Page Optimization now asks for confirmation before performing the optimization.
Layer creation and handling has been improved:
Default Layer is now properly named.
Some restrictions for layer names have been implemented.
There is now a maximum number of layers, which can be seen when hovering over a layer´s name.
There is now a "Report" tab in the menu bar where the different report items have been moved to.
When merging StringItemType tags the continuation is automatically created.
Fixed an issue with bullets in Word when generating an iXBRL report.
When loading a Word document with the "Track Changes" turned on, the document loaded icon now properly switches to error.
Fixed an issue with broken continuation chains after content changes.
Fixed an issue where two head tags were allowed when tagging an added layers.
Fixed an issue where member tags would not be restored when no line item was applied to the same cell.
Fixed an issue where the selection of mappings would leave off some characters when roll forward was performed.
Fixed an "x-id issue is not declare" error when an element was not properly removed from the layer.
Warning about wrong order in continuation chain now properly appears when the continuation chain only contains two items.
Fixed a rare issue with the Tagger that would crash when, after generating an XBRL preview, a user removed all tags and then moved back to the XBRL preview.
Fixed an issue with unresolved mappings not being detected when using Import Word document text blocks.
Fixed an issue with continuation textblock dialog not showing when a textblock that was already part of a different continuation is tagged in a different part of the report.
Added a check for PDF document with private characters and added a warning.
Added message to the log for removing continuation loops.
Changed message level for using the same Table Tag on two different Tables from error to information.
Fixed FRC issues for the re-release of 2023 Taxonomy Suite.
Fixed an issue with extension items that are not displayed in the Presentation tab of the report structure.
Fixed a Merge problem with footnotes.
Fixed an issue with the settings of Transformation registry Version when selecting Registry 5 (Monetary item).
Fixed an issue with the omit glyph option that was not working on Tagger: now the spaces in html preview should be displayed correctly.
Fixed an issue when importing textblocks from Word to PDF: error message object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Fixed an issue with continuation order when the continuation chain was tagged with a different concept.
Fixed an issue with the context menu entry for Validations in the Text Tagging tab.
Changed the warning message about the continuation order when default layer was used: the layer is now showing.
Fixed an "x-id issue is not declare" error message when an incorrect table is created.
Fixed an issue with "unresolved mapping" in the Equity Table: tagged rows were moved in the frame area of the table due to missing column headers (Tagger integrated in SmartNotes).
Fixed an issue with missing or incorrect translations regarding continuations.
Fixed an issue with the Continuation Administration: when the textblock is not part of a continuation: the menu cannot be opened.
Fixed UI issues in the Continuation Administration box.
Fixed an issue when filtering Text tagging by Name, Value, Type or Layer: the user can now reset the order.
Removed Validation button from the XBRL Preview in the Table View.
XHTML Table conversion now checks for content equality.
All PDF styles are now global.
Added a validation for standard label roles for extensions.
Improved sorting of cells in mapping report.
The Tagger will now show a more prominent update message.
Fixed an issue with PDF mappings (Could not load file).
Fixed an issue with missing content in a table.
Fixed an issue with loading taxonomies.
Fixed an issue when tagging a dimensions member would change the preferred label role for line items.
Fixed an issue with Auto Text Tagging not working when an extension is present.
Fixed an issue where deleting a dimensional tag would not mark the document as changed.
Fixed an issue with the roll forward button in document settings.
Fixed an issue with the XBRL preview that was updating too often.
Fixed a display issue which would visually duplicate textblock tags on edit.
Added a Continuation Administration dialog.
Added Tag Filtering functionality for textblocks.
Added option to remove all tags belonging to a continuation chain (Delete Continuation Chain).
Optimized ESMA filing rule 2.2.6
Added BeNeLux countries for removal of processing instruction
Default item type for textblock extensions will now be textblockItemType
Added page or chapter to Excel validation results
Order of textblock tags will now represent order from report
Added an additional check when loading additional taxonomies
Fixed an issue where wrong cells where tagged in some Word documents
Fixed an issue where some elements had wrong label roles
Fixed some issues with x-id
Fixed an issue where numeric extensions would not be part of Notes and Mandatory Items role
Fixed an issue with restoring mappings
Fixed message for ESMA filing rule 3.4.6
Fixed issue with missing Word content control continuations leading to loop
Fixed an issue where changes in row order would not be applied
Fixed an issue with StartIndex less than zero
Fixed an issue when importing Word into PDF
Fixed an issue with TOC links in Word
Fixed an issue where the correct unit for perShare items would not be applied automatically
Fixed an issue with lowercaps filenames
Fixed an issue with references check
Fixed automatic status of textblocks
Fixed issues with Excel reports
Fixed an issue where a content control from Word would be missing
Additional tags tagged in the text tab and having the Notes abstract will now be in the standard notes role
Changed the warning text for tagging text blocks from page to page#
Updated some descriptions in the toolbox
Fixed several issues with PDF reports
Fixed an issue with missing links in Word documents
Fixed an issue with dimension members labels not adhering to label settings
Fixed an issue with continuations (Word)
Fixed an issue where some PDF pages are missing in the Tagger
Fixed an issue with restoring of PDF mappings (can't find start point)
Fixed an issue with wrong page order in PDF documents
Fixed an issue with the reset button in the row order dialog
Set <table> tags for tagged tables (PDF)
Updated ESMA Filing Rules 2022 based on the ESMA Conformance Suite
Showing more information for nested tags message
Dimensional tags can now be set on a different layer than the default
Improved how the InlineXbrl Viewer displays multiple textblock tags
Improved Word to XHTML conversion
Backwards-Continuations are enabled again
Fixed some issues with the Merger and Word files
Fixed an issue causing Guidance 3.4.5 to show an error
Fixed an issue with "Duplicate Key Exception" error (PDF)
Fixed an issue with "Bad Anchor" error (PDF)
Fixed an issue with tags not being set in the correct place when numbers were duplicates with different formatting (Word)
Fixed an issue where some entries were displayed twice in the taxonomy view
Fixed an issue where "Optimize page" could not be used when background was set to SVG (PDF)
Integrated ESEF Taxonomy 2022
Added Unit Type Registry
Enabled continuations and custom escape attribute also for elements of stringItemType
Added UKSEF2023 compatibility
Updated some translations
Fixed an issue with license activation
Improved handling of continuations in multiple circumstances
Fixed an issue with x-id attribute appearing
Fixed an issue with restoring continuations
Fixed taxonomy label missing in mapping report
Fixed some issues with Word conversion
Fixed an issue with textblock extensions and the value in the Viewer
Fixed an issue with the InTool-Validation
Fixed an issue with AutoTagging overwriting existing textblock-tags
Improved information in Tags tab
Added Tranformation Registry 5
Added "Toolbox" to change properties report wide, e.g. escape attribute, registry version, dates
Added textblock-tagging report, including a checklist showing all mandatory tags and if they are tagged in the report
Content controls will not appear after the corresponding headline in the text tagging view (Word)
Improved restoration of tags from Word to PDF
Improved restoration of tags from PDF to PDF
Improvements for mapping report and textblock-tags
Improved some translations
Identical nested tags will no longer be created
Missing nested continuation validation added
Fixed some tags appearing on multiple layers (PDF)
Fixed performance issue with some Word files
Fixed an issue where some Word files could not be loaded
Fixed some tagged reports created with older Tagger versions not being able to be loaded (PDF)
Fixed an issue with some PDF files getting an error message when loading a mapping file or deleting tags (PDF)
Fixed an issue with tagging several pages with the same tag (PDF)
Fixed an issue with long strings in Excel reports
Fixed an issue with tagging abstracts instead of text-blocks
Fixed an issue with the license check
The new feature "Big Textblock tagging for the full notes from page to page (PDF)" has been implemented
The Tagger inserts whitespace span in ix:nonNumeric by mistake
Resolved "Import Word document text blocks results in an unhandled exception"
InvalidCalculation messages are harmonized for severities (Warning and Error)
Reverted back missed context menu "More details" in XBRL Generator messages form
Resolved "Auto-continuation for Textblock extensions" issue
The auto-continuation from the Mapping clipboard has been implemented
Resolved the issue "Removing a text frame in the middle of a story breaks continuation and creates two head tags"
Now Generation and Validation messages are saved after the form reopens
Fixed NullReferenceException in the generation of FRC reports
Fixed an issue with the license check when SmartNotes was used as well
Fixed an issue with UKSEF reports
Fixed an issue where the Create Taxonomy Extension setting would not persist
Fixed an issue where a non-standard financial year would not be set correctly
For a detailed overview check Version 1.9: New Features
Improved Textblock-Restoration for PDF documents
Added auto restore of text blocks from Word to PDF
The mapping clipboard can now copy textblocks
It is no longer necessary to have a .NET runtime installed
Mini Disclosure Checklist
AI-supported autodetection of tables in PDF documents
Editing of already tagged areas in PDF preview
Improvements for showing information regarding reportwide calculations
Calculation 1.1 support
Whitespace preservation in accordance with new ESEF reporting manual
Some options in the Document Settings have been reworked
Added an option to rename the "Notes and Mandatory Items" role
Improved the LEI-search dialogFurther improvement of the PDF output for some cases
Improved PDF iXBRL creation performance
"Text Tagging" panel UI improvements
Moved "Check for updates" to "Info" menu
Added the possiblity to auto tag textblocks from Word (including continuations)
Renamed Z-Axis to Layer(s)
Added decimals validation: Checking scale and tagged number to avoid insignificant digits
Added possibility to swap out fonts on the fly in advanced properties
Reenabled specific cultures for report language selection
Fixed an issue where the Word file could not be saved
Fixed an issue with double textblock tagging
Fixed an issue when merging multiple documents, depending on the order
Fixed an issue when autotagging text-tags (Word)
Fixed an issue with footnotes for SEC filings
Fixed an issue with hidden facts and numeric values
Fixed an issue with xml:lang for SEC filings
Added the possiblity to auto tag textblocks from Word (including continuations)
Changed the default value for the escape attribute for textblocks to false
The full contents of textblocks can now be displayed
Improved some translations
Fixed an issue with x-id attributes
Fixed some issues with hidden facts
Fixed an issue with a wrong zip package file name
Fixed an issue with dimensions and layers
Fixed an issue with links (Word)
Please note: In Version 1.8.8 the Updater has an issue that does not allow automatic updating to Version 1.8.9. Please download the installer from the original link and reinstall the Tagger.
Calculations now highlight values set to NIL
The escape attribute can now be manually changed for text tags
Added an option to choose InlineViewer file format (HTML or XHTML)
Added file naming convention for Bulgaria
Added Auto-Continuation for text tags
Further improvement of PDF parsing
Fixed an issue with updating anchors when switching taxonomies
Fixed an issue with extensions not appearing as parentheticals
Fixed an issue where the "Disable automatic related cell tagging" setting would not work as intended
Fixed an issue where links would be removed when converting PDF to XHTML
Fixed an issue where changing PDF converter settings would have no effect
Fixed an issue with calculations merging
Fixed an issue with continuedAt
Added some missing files for translations to Czech
Fixed an issue where the detached preview would show wrong page numbers
Fixed an issue with the "Use LEI code for filename" setting
Fixed an issue with connected tables (Word)
Fixed some issues with calculations
Changed FCA filing name convention again
Fixed an issue with the hierarchy customizers
Fixed an issue with duplicated member structures
Fixed some PDF parsing issues: This requires the download of an updated converter version!
Fixed an issue in Word conversion
Fixed an issue with dimension hierarchies
Added Czech translation
Fixed several issues with calculations
Fixed some issues with parentheticals
Fixed an issue where the loaded taxonomy would be displayed wrong
Fixed some minor PDF issues
Added layer-tagging for Word documents
The displayed item in the table view can now be changed to different properties (decimals, SignLogic, unit, etc)
Added Taxonomy Package Loading to new Taxonomy Loading dialog
Updated file name convention for France
Unresolved mappings window is now always on top and needs to be resolved first
Word converter now has improved picture quality
Fixed an issue where relationship nodes would vanish after merging documents
Fixed an issue with tagging of some members from the presentation linkbase
Fixed dimension validation for non-extension-taxonomies
Fixed italian translations
Fixed instance generation for non-extension-taxonomy reports
Fixed some issues with additional taxonomy loading
Fixed an issue with the row order form
Fixed some issues with duplicate labels when using ExtensionLabelsOnly
Fixed links in the EULA
Fixed a UI issue with the format dialog
Fixed an issue with small columns
Fixed an issue with the validation status icon
Fixed an issue with layers and calculations
Fixed some issues with default dimensions
Added compatibility for UKSEF21 and UKSEF22 taxonomies
Improved detection of headline rows in PDF parsing
Adjusted FCA file name convention for UK filings
Hierarchy customizers now synchronized between tables tagged with same tag
The view of the extension properties can now be resized
Added a warning then fixed-zero format is used on a cell with a number
Fixed an issue where a hypercube would be created for parentheticals
Fixed an issue where calculations would be merged
Fixed an issue where the order of merged tables was not detected correctly
Fixed an issue with duplicate contexts when using multiple taxonomies
Fixed row ordering dialog not showing rows from all tables
Fixed an issues where abstract groups in tables did not have the correct structure
Fixed an issue where the conversion of Word documents produced invalid output
Fixed an issue with internal calculation validations
Fixed an issue where RuleURI's would be truncated
Fixed an issue when deleting an element from a hidden tag
Fixed an issue with showing intool validations
Fixed an issue with duplicate labels message
Fixed an UI issue with the calculation tab
Fixed an issue with the user not being able to change the reporting entity url
Fixed an issue with the negated label role
Fixed an issue where the whole mapping of a cell would be deleted instead of just a part
Added option to refresh detached XBRL Preview
Improved ordering of statements in the extension taxonomy
Improved text values in Excel mapping report
Added migration assistant for ESEF taxonomy 2021
Added ESEF Reporting Manual validation 2021, passed ESMA Conformance Suite
Fixed an issue where only one role would be created for several statements
Fixed issue where extensions could not be added in preview
Fixed an issue with ordering of elements
Fixed several issues with dimension customizing
Fixed an issue with display language in dimension hierarchy customizer
Fixed an issue where a mapping could not be saved
Fixed empty control in extension tab
Fixed not creating labels for preferred roles which are not present in taxonomy when ExtensionLabelsOnly used
Fixed wider anchor not selected automatically
Fixed some issues with footnotes
Fixed a layout issue in the preview
The XBRL Preview can now also be detached
Improved parsing of ESEF reports
Improved PDF report parsing
Aligned useA4Layout button with wordconverter setting
Fixed xml:lang attribute missing from merged files
Fixed extension elements not being created from preview window
Fixed an issue where the intool calculation validation would not be aligned to the engine validation
Fixed an issue where custom hierarchies would not be updated when the taxonomy is updated
Fixed wrong display lanugage in row ordering window
Fixed an issue where text tags would no longer be highlighted
Fixed some issues with additional labels
Fixed an issue with definitions in merged files
Fixed an issue where the validation report could not be created
Fixed an issue where labels would be created for abstract elements with setting ExtensionLabelsOnly
Fixed an issue where PDF mappings could not be restored
Fixed an issue with default dimensions on extended members and axes
Features: (See a description here: Version 1.8: New Features)
Added the possibility to customize Abstract Hierarchies for roles
Added layers to PDF reports to enable nested tagging and multi-tagging
Added continuation handling to text tags
Added a row order customizer to change the order of items in the extension taxonomy
Added a custom date format functionality to support the parsing of non-standard dates in table columns
Added the possibility to make tagging properties readonly in final status
Added a document view type for conversion of Word documents
Added an AutoSave feature to preserve your work in case of unforseen events
Added an explicit roll forward option
Added the possibility to customize the calculation validation
Added the option to detach controls from the Tagger
Added an option to use the taxonomies table order for extension taxonomies
Added reporting package validation according to the XBRL specification to the document validation
Improved the handling of the the Dimension Hierarchy Customizer
Improved the parsing of PDF documents
Improved the handling of hidden facts
The label role from the taxonomy element used for tagging will now automatically be set to the mapping
Percent item type will now be shown in extension drop down
The order of merged files can now be changed after adding them
Added a button to remove calculations from a cell
Fixed an issue where continuations where not properly highlighted in the preview
Fixed an issue where calulcation linkbases would not be properly validated
Fixed an issue with the previewer when set to full
Fixed an issue where the table preview would update without changes
Fixed an issue with the duplicate validation of text contents
Fixed an issue with the transformation of document when multiple target documents where tagged
Fixed an issue where the Tagger would crash when resetting the filters of the taxonomy view
Fixed an issue with zooming in the previewer
Fixed an issue with the validation window not showing updated content
Fixed an issue where the content of text controls would be cut off (Word)
Added the possiblity to customize dimension hierarchies
Improved the handling of the Start Date for mappings
Fixed an issue where deleting a tag for a mapping with a dimension member would also delete the member
Fixed an issue where invalid nonFraction elements would be created
Fixed an issue where Word documents could not be loaded
Fixed an issue where selecting multiple cells with the same extension would not show the extension in the tags tab
Fixed an issue with entrypoints in the reporting package
Fixed an issue with table parsing in PDF
Fixed an issue where the SignLogic could not be changed
Fixed some issues with the Italian translations
Improved loading performance of Word files with many content controls
Improved HTML conversion result from Word
Improved visibility of selected textcontent
nformations are now disabled by default, can be reenabled from document settings
The "Update Taxonomy" and "Reparse Document" prompts at document load now only pop up once
Fixed some issues with the ESMA filing rules
Fixed ixt namespace prefix for SEC filings
Fixed several issues with footnotes
Fixed some issues with hidden items
Fixed some issues with the Inline Viewer
Fixed a bug where extensions would not have labels when "Extension labels only" was selected
Fixed an issue with dimensions in extended taxonomies
Fixed an issue where selecting the AutoSignLogic for the first time would not be saved
Fixed an issue with superscripted footnote references in Word
New Features: (for detailed info please see Version 1.7: New Features)
It is now possible to read tags from existing report packages and transfer them to a new filing
Warning if startdate is bigger than end date
Warning if additional languages are not valid
Warning if an already created package would be overwritten
SEC validation messages are now displayed in one sheet
Duplicates can now always be jumped to from the validation form
Text Content parsing in Word should be faster
Fixed an issue with the BANZ-converter UI
Fixed an issue with the GRI taxonomy
Fixed an issue with the Selected Excel Report Columns
Fixed an issue with the Extension Labels Only selection
Fixed an issue with the duplicate validation
Fixed an issue with the unresolved mappings form not opening
Fixed an issue with the deletion of text contents
New Features: (for detailed info please see Version 1.7: New Features)
Multi-Taxonomy Tagging
Label Handling Option
Select Mapping Report Columns
Tag Hidden Elements
Elimination of Hidden Facts
Added some additional items to the right click context menu
Validation window will now open only once and be updated
Additional taxonomy labels added to Mapping Report
Added Czech file name convention
Added fact location to formula validation excel output
Fixed an issue where the Clipboard Manager would throw an exception on paste
Fixed an issue with the deletion of mappings
Removed some validations if no extension will be created
Fixed an issue with tagging text tags from Word
Fixed an issue with restoring text tags from Word
Fixed an issue with nil tags
The Tagger can now produce SEC-compatible output
Updated default taxonomy cache with UKSEF, SASB, DKGAAP
Line items in mapping report now have the same order as in the report
Added Italian as language
Fixed an issue core taxonomy element duplication warnings
Fixed an issue with auto-revalidation on delete
Fixed an issue with duplicate validation check regarding dimensions
Fixed an issue where additional labels would not appear in the extension taxonomy
Fixed an issue where Word-DocVariables where displayed in the resulting HTML
Added a warning for too many hidden facts
Removed "invisible" option untransformable items
Added a warning prior to the deletion of mappings that have footnotes attached
Automatic SignLogic assignement is now optional
Improved iXBRL viewer performance
Fixed an issue with merging of documents
Fixed parsing of multiline field values from Word
Fixed an issue with hidden elements
Fixed an issue where the table preview would show the wrong period for deviating financial years
Fixed an issue where the validation fails if an extension label starts with a special character
Fixed an issue with the Dimension Member dialog
Fixed an issue where the default status of tags would not be set correctly
Fixed an issue with undeletable footnote mappings
Now showing which anchor is wider in mapping report
Fixed issues with duplicate labels in the extension taxonomy
Fixed issue with 990000 role in extension taxonomy
Fixed an issue with the BANZ converter tool
Fixed issue where some values would be misplaced after restore
Fixed KeyNotFound issue in Word library
Fixed tags not being shown in tag window when first selected cell is empty
Fixed not all variables from Word being displayed in the Tagger
Fixed tagging of abstract items not being able to be cancelled
Fixed an issue where tags could not be deleted
Fixed wrong alignment of numbers when using Word
Fixed an issue where sorting by SignLogic in the TagList lead to a crash
Fixed an issue where PDF mappings were restored in a wrong row
Fixed inability to select wider anchor for text tags
Fixed an issue where Word mappings could not be restored
Fixed issues with printing the HTML output
Fixed an issue where highlighted items in the Viewer could not be clicked
Fixed an issue with the LC3-conversion of ł
Fixed an issue where in PDF conversions some cell contents would be placed wrong
Fixed an issue with Unicode in converted PDF's
Fixed an issue where items would be added to the 99999 role when they shouldn't
Fixed an issue with a whitespace in the base64-encoded embedded image
Fixed layout issues when renaming .xhtml to html
Fixed an issue with the dimension dialogue
Added validation to check if periods in calculation relationships are correct
Added validation to check if dates are correct (StartDate < EndDate)
Added validation to check if a wider anchor is present
Added warning to Word documents if unsupported elements are found
Added warning if adjacent cells are tagged differently, but should not be
Improved validations and warnings for text contents
Fixed an issue where deleting elements without tags would lead to an error
Fixed an issue where assigning new dimension members to a group of cells would remove existing members
Fixed an issue where not all external links would be deleted
Fixed a display issue in the calculation tab
Fixed an issue where the merger would omit references from some documents
Fixed issue where additional labels from text tags would not be part of the taxonomy
Fixed issues with hidden and invisible settings for text tags leading to values missing from result document
Fixed an issue with restoring text tags
Added Tree View to XBRL Preview (previously Add table preview in Document menu)
Added a warning when Word contains objects that cannot be converted
Fixed an issue where validation excel file could become part of the report package
Fixed an issue with the calculation validation during report creation
Fixed an issue ESMA filing rule 3.4.7
Fixed an issue where extensions would only be added once to the presentation linkbase
Fixed an issue where cells would not be tagged properly (Word)
Fixed a parsing issue with PDF
Fixed an issue where some Word files could ne be loaded
Fixed extension label not being updated when copying between languages
Added option to choose behaviour for non-transformable values
Added check for Word variable length
Added spanish naming convention
Fixed issue with dimension member structure if a table was split over two or more pages
Fixed issue where under certain conditions some cells where not tagged in the result document (Word)
Fixed issue with the additional name for dimension members was not saved
Fixed an issue with the order of dimension members
Fixed an issue with the loop detection warning being too strict
Fixed an issue where some elements would be part of role 999999 despite being part of a hypercube
Fixed an issue with qualified spaces between numbers leading to incorrectly tagged numbers
Integrated ESMA ESEF Conformance Suite 2020
Improved dimension member nesting structure
Changed RTS_Annex_IV_Par_4_2 to warning
Added removal of PI's for Bundesanzeiger submissions
Added UK naming convention
Fixed an issue with converted images from Word
Fixed Chapter tags not being restored
Fixed some language issues
Fixed Cannot drop items from clipboard to text tagging (Word)
Fixed Footnotes being inside a fact
Fixed Clipboard issue: Tables with multiple columns for each year didn't get properly restored
Fixed handling and validation of cycles in taxonomy
Fixed Document Settings: Format selection not showing
Fixed referencesPointingOutsideOfTheReportingPackagePresent with OpenWordToHtmlConverter
Fixed False Duplicate TextMapping detection
Fixed Package naming
Fixed Word: Content Control Alias beginning with "XBRL_" cannot be tagged with SmartHTMLConverter
Fixed issue with Guidance 3.4.2
Fixed Chrome (Version 88) and Edge are crashing when opening XHTML with Previewer
Added French as UI language
Fixed issue with PDF to XHTML Converter in Citrix envirmoments.
Fixed issue with some PDF tables are not parsed properly.
Fixed issue with missing tags when converting Word documents.
Fixed issue with new AMANA Word HTML converter (missing tables).
Fixed issue that the balance attribute was not copied with the Clipboard Manager.
Fixed issue with extension of dimension membres (column tags).
Fixed issue with disappearing minus signs
Fixed issue with missing tags in Word
Fixed issue with wrong element order in the taxonomy
Fixed issue with InTool-Validation
Fixed issue with default dimension members for extended dimensions
Fixed issue with the order of dimensions and members in the taxonomy
Fixed issue with error message not being displayed properly
Fixed issue with links pointing outside of the report not being removed
Fixed issue with tooltip size
Fixed issue with groups that could not be deleted
Fixed issue with sign logic not being applied
Fixed some issues with roll forward
Fixed TableName not being persisted in PDF documents
Fixed an issue with duplicate id's when merging documents
Fixed an issue with the layout when converting tagged documents to XHTML only
Fixed an issue with missing language attribute on text tags
Fixed extended member not shown in dialog
Fixed choosing unsupported file formats in clipboard manager
Added German and Polish as UI languages
Some adjustments for the ESEF 2020 Taxonomy
Header date detection
Log folder location changed to %appdata%
Clipboard Manager copying from one format to another
Fixed issue with some tags in converted Word documents
Fixed issue with loaded HTML nont showing any tables
Fixed issue where additional tags would be part of the ixbrl tag
Fixed issue where a converted PDF would not be XHTML valid
Fixed issue where merging documents would lead to result in unreadable output
Added documentation property to all elements
Added possibility to add additional labels for dimension axes and members
Added second optional Word to HTML converter (choose from options)
Added functionality to find involved cells from result document validation messages (right click)
Improved behaviour if the clipboard manager is used to transfer mappings between different languages
Validation results will automatically be saved to report folder
"Internet"-Viewer option is now the default
Fixed issue with opening Word files that contained footnotes
Fixed issue with result document generation when document had footnotes
Fixed issue with bold fonts getting interpreted differently (PDF)
Fixed issue with wrong values getting tagged (Word)
Fixed issue with unknown balance type in extensions
Fixed tagged hierarchies also including non-abstract elements
Fixed weight for summands with unknown balance type not being saved
Fixed grouping not being able to be unset
Fixed misaligned numbers in preview
Fixed issue with abstract concepts in the extension taxonomy
Fixed issue where superscripted text would get added to calculation
Fixed issue with taxonomy filter using exact match and technical name filters
Fixed issue where two columns would be merged into one (PDF)
Fixed issue where the status of elements would be set to final on tagging of groups
Fixed issue where cells could not be tagged separately (PDF)
Fixed issue where a table would not be parsed properly (PDF)
Fixed issue where tags would not be restored if the column was detected as a note column
Fixed issue with shareItemsType
Fixed Clipboard Manager catching all paste operations
Fixed Merger creating "merged"-folder in zip
Fixed issue with XHTML files and BOM
Fixed Table Preview label language not being selected taxonomy language
Fixed text tagging item language
Fixed default extension element name not being correct
Fixed issue where merger would create duplicate header sections
Fixed an issue where mappings would not be properly restored (Word)
Fixed ordering of elements in the presentation linkbase
Fixed issue with "x-id-attribute" warning
Fixed issue with merging of the label linkbase
Fixed characters in result document not being converted properly (PDF)
Fixed nested tags not being properly tagged in result (Word)
Fixed duplicate check only checking for complete duplicates
Fixed domain being able to select for extension item type
Fixed an issue with perShareItemType in extension taxonomy
Fixed duplicate warning dialogue not being displayed in preview windows
Fixed changing extension balance type not updating calculation weight
Fixed naming for merged report packages
Fixed an issue where closing the Tagger would lead to an error
Fixed issue where the Transformation Registry choice would not be saved
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed issue where it was not possible to add anchors to text numbers
Fixed several issues with taxonomy packages
Fixed label linkbases all being in one file for all languages
Fixed linked 2-page-table not being removable
Fixed long bookmark names not being tagged (Word)
Fixed issues with mapping restore after save
Fixed issue with gap year dates on load
Fixed selecting of multiple cells leading to crash
Fixed weight for unknowns not being editable
Fixed Tagger crashing when clicking label link
Fixed issues with Additional Label languages
Fixed issue with delete all mappings (Word)
Fixed label duplicate message popping up for each selected cell
Fixed issues with mapping and calculation reports
Fixed HTML-conversion needing document settings and missing A4-layout
Fixed XHTML filesize being very big on some occasions
Fixed Tagger not showing validation for invalid calculations
Fixed XBRL value in mapping report not showing proper decimals value
Fixed showing of empty chapters in dropdown (PDF)
Fixed issue with text tagging (Epub)
Fixed issue where multiple extended dimensions would get the same technical name
Improved Mapping report with new columns
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed issue with XbrlMerger and html files without xbrl information
Fixed issue with calculations and extension items as total
Fixed issue with Clipboard Manager where Tag Whole Table would not work as expected
Fixed issue with restoring mappings from another language
Fixed issue with update notification
Fixed issue where attributes would be reset when restoring
Improved restoring of changed rectangle selected ranges (PDF)
Improved restoring of text selections when text has been changed (PDF)
Improved Taxonomy using prioritized standard labels instead of verbose labels
Improved calculation tab with additional columns, total balance type display and SignLogic change
Added possibility to set start row of values cells in two-paged tables
Minor improvements for usage of the UKSEF taxonomy
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed mapping restore leading to error instead of unresolved mappings (PDF)
Fixed some extended elements not having a standard label
Fixed negative values not properly recognized in monetary text tags
Fixed issue with some negative values in cells
Fixed extended dimensions not using proper language label
Fixed dimension members not being displayed when selecting multiple cells
Fixed issue with tagging new members on cells with already tagged members of the same axis
Fixed issue where tagging of abstracts would reset cell details
Fixed issue with validation of fixed-* formats
Added Word to eBanz converter
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed an issue where mappings could not be properly restored with two paged statement of changes in equity. In some cases the table might have to be tagged again.
Fixed .xbrl file being part of the reporting package
Fixed restore failing in PDF's when using new box selection and changing fonts between versions
Fixed label role for extensions
Fixed wrong filenames
Fixed validation rule checking for overriding taxonomy labels
Fixed an issue where anchors could not be added to tagged text values
Fixed an issue with Word where deleted text tags would not be properly deleted
Fixed an issue with Word where some cells could not be tagged in the output
Fixed an issue with PDF where some cells would be merged in the table view
Fixed dates not being properly detected in some cases
Added option to load the InlineViewer from CDN
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed duplicate error being displayed for newly tagged items
Fixed the Clipboard Manager put tags in wrong rows
Fixed restoring mappings leading to a crash
Fixed cell values being showed in different cells
Fixed cells be merged (PDF)
Fixed issue with calculations
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed issue with tagging items when taxonomy language is not English
Fixed issue where tags would not be restored properly (PDF)
Fixed issue with marking tables (PDF)
New Features:
Creation of extended dimension axes
Tagging of parenthetical items
Tagging of full abstract hierarchy instead of just one abstract
Option to set the preferred label role for tags
Creation extensions for text blocks
Tagging of footnotes
Box selection for PDF tables (shift+select)
WYSIWYG tagging for epub documents
Conversion of source documents into XHTML without the need to tag something
Clipboard Manager shares tags between to instances of a Tagger, allowing easy copy paste between documents
Customized Open File Dialog allowing the setting of options and selection of a page range prior to loading the document
Option to hide note columns
Undo/Redo support
Full Firefox support for the Viewer
Overhauled Clipboard Manager
Improved refreshing of items after change
Sign logic can now be changed separately for each cell
Extended unit creation
Added possible duplicate warning
Added validation for duplicate labels
Added monetary text items to mapping report
Changed the label linkbase structure in extension taxonomy
Default SignLogic Improvement for P&L statement
Improved InlineViewer loading speed (Update to Chrome 85!)
Fixed issues with restoring summands properly when using the Clipboard Manager
Fixed issue where some tags would be missing after a restore
Fixed issue with missing characters in text tags
Fixed several PDF parsing and loading issues
Fixed extended member namespaces being shown as ns0 in preview
Fixed an issue with perShareItemType in an extension
Fixed an issue where InTool calculation validations would not match xbrl validations
Fixed an issue with duplicate facts validation and dimensions
Added SignLogic to properties that are not automatically aligned in related cells
Added descriptions to the table settings
Corrected PDF converter download message
Changed the validation of ESMA Guidance 3.4.2 after giving feedback to ESMA about faulty testcase in conformance suite
Extended the mapping report with references and documentation labels
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed issues with column tagging dialog
Fixed issue with tagging of date elements as text and the respective format
Fixed issue with Word document not being able to be loaded anymore
Fixed issue with taxonomy zip packages containing wrong folder structure in some cases
Fixed issues with text tagging
Fixed issue where the wrong summand would be selected for a calculation which spans more than one column
Fixed an issue where multiple PDF columns would be merged into one table column
Changed taxonomy creation according to new ESMA guidance 3.1.5 and 3.4.7
When selecting TR4 as default Transformation Registry, the selection will be reflected in the cell format
Downgraded some warnings to information (e.g. cell not mapped, cell not part of calculation)
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed issue with in-tool duplicate detection
Fixed issue with missing locators
Fixed issue with wrong number format leading to exception
Fixed issue with hypercube creation
Fixed some cells not being properly tagged
Fixed issue with numbers that have both parenthesis and minus sign
Fixed issue with changing the default label column
Fixed issues where tags would be displayed two times
Fixed refresh issue with cancelled calculations
Fixed mapping report language depending on report language rather than taxonomy language, thus not enabling change of mapping report language
Fixed several PDF related issues
Fixed an issue where a two-page soce could not be properly tagged
Fixed issue where loading two documents without closing the Tagger would lead to problems
Fixed <Variables> tag from Word being shown in text contents
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed bug in Word library
Fixed issue with document settings
Fixed extension label conversion
Fixed some issue with taxonomy control
Fixed mapping report language always being English
Fixed Bugs:
Changed HTML Converter behaviour
Fixed bug with validation report excel export
Improvements when creating calculations: The correct weight is now automatically set or fixed for existing reports
Improvements for calculations UI: Totals and involved cells are highlighted, the result is displayed in the control
Improvements to the ESD taxonomy
Improved the restoring algorithm for cells and calculations
Improved the handling of dates in column headers
Improved handling of tagging details in UI
Improved Report Generation Form
Improved default handling if SignLogic (AlwaysPositive unless element specifies otherwise)
Added automatic Transformation Registry 3 to 4 mapping and update mechanism
Added a user prompt if an extension is created in a row without label
Added a validation for duplicated core taxonomy elements
Added option to disable automatic relevant cell tagging
Removed warnings from cell validations
Change in Labels control: Only labels for the selected language and english will be displayed
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed an issue where the application would crash when adding a calculation
Fixed an issue where the Calculation Report could not be created
Fixed an issue with validations in cells
Fixed an issue where tagging an abstract would overwrite the element
Fixed an issue where adding a chapter in Word would lead to unrestorable mappings
Fixed an issue where the filing rules dropdown in the result document creation dialog would have no effect
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed an issue when the merging of documents would not work properly
Fixed an issue where the result document could not be created (PDF)
Fixed an issue where cells would not be placed correctly (PDF)
Improved restore of mappings to changed reports
Monetary elements can no longer be set as table tag
Improved ESEF Conformance Suite validations and issues
Improved handling of xsi:nil values
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed issue where number scale did not change in document settings
Fixed issue where mappings where not created properly on launch (Word)
Fixed Anchors being shown as tags
Fixed dimension tags not being able to be tagged to only one column
Fixed issue with pence values
Fixed issue with merging value (PDF)
Fixed issue where extended dimension members would be displayed multiple times
Fixed issue with spaces in numbers (PDF)
Fixed issue where the arrows in the viewer would skip text tags
Fixed issue where a second restore would result in an error
Fixed issue with result document validation results
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed issue with groups during taxonomy creation
Fixed issue where text tags could not be tagged
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed exception during restore operation for PDF's
Fixed ClipboardManager not restoring calculation relationships
Fixed issue where a loop would be created in the presentation linkbase
Added Cell Information to the right click menu
Added a Calculation Report to the document menu
Added possibility to add glyphs for PDF conversion
Added IFRS references being shown in the taxonomy window
Streamlined activate license process
Improved labels for extension taxonomy
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed restoring mapping from another language version
Fixed setting initial decimal setting not having any effect
Fixed loading a different taxonomy not working on some licenses
Fixed cell validation information not showing the actual duplicates
Fixed cell information in validation results
Fixed some issues with the extension taxonomy
Fixed calculations not being able to be deleted
Added Notas as note column
Added possibility to split a table in two logical tables by column id
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed issue with minimized clipboard manager not being able to be maximized again
Fixed an issue with mappings not being properly restored in PDF files
Fixed an issue where anchors could not be added in preview
Fixed an issue with CefSharp library
Improvements to the Viewer
Improved warnings
Improved extension tab and metadata handling
Improved handling of status setting
Added a demo mode
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed some issue with Word files (missing fields and conversion issues)
Fixed an issue where tagging dimensions would reset the dates
Fixed issue where it was not possible to remove entries from a calculation
Fixed an issue with the calculation linkbase
XHTML reports will now be stored under "reports" folder
Package zip is automatically created
Fixed Bugs:
Issue with whitespaces in numbers
Issues with some Word documents
Issue with some cells from PDF documents not being able to be tagged
Issue with the Viewer and Firefox
Issues with merged cells in PDF
Issues with missing labels in the extension taxonomy
Taxonomy validation performance
Fixed Bugs:
Issue with restoring PDF backups
Validation of calculations did not take weight into account
Issues while displaying PDF reports
Issues with parsing PDF reports
Word content controls being displayed multiple times
Word chapter mapping not working properly
Issue with parent dimension dialog
Issues with the taxonomy extension
Changed bottom info error count to properly reflect entries
EPub spaces issue
Word: Loading a tagged document via cmd did not work
Issue with status of cells after auto tagging
Issue with merged cells in PDF
Issue with cells reverting to InEdit after validation
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed an issue where a PDF table could not be tagged
Fixed an issue with pence tags in the Viewer
Fixed an issue with the LEI code being changed
Fixed an issue with the validation of cells
Fixed an issue with the Clipboard Manager
Fixed an issue where XBRLMapping properties could not be changed
Fixed an issue where table cell views where not refreshed
New Features:
New Clipboard Manager to manage and import mappings from different reports and/or unresolvable mappings
Row Label column selection for multi-page tables
Added PDF file format as source file format
New Validation Results dialog functionality
Filters for taxonomy search
Merging of XHTML documents based on all formats
In-tool validation of the calculation linkbase
Toggle for only showing chapters with tables
Tagging if empty cells
Extension metadata will align to anchors
Embedded images for epub
Tagging of dimension members which are not part of an axis
Skip validaton during creation
Viewer improvements
Removed unneccesary tabs from taxonomy viewer
Improved document settings dialog
Fixed Bugs:
Table Preview issues
Several minor issues
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed bug that led to an exception loading some documents
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed scaling issue with pence in Viewer
Fixed another issue with pence
Fixed an issue with anchors in the Viewer
Fixed issue where missing https in the entity url led to crash
Fixed issue where taxonomy validation would show wrong errors with regard to anchors
Fixed an issue where the application would crash when showing SOCE
Improved error logging
Set default filing rule validation to ESMA
Allowed for formats like 12p for pence
Improved Add Dimension Member dialog
Tagging dimension members will no longer change the status
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed some issues with the validation result Excel report
Fixed an issue where a mapping would not be restored
Fixed an issue where duplicate mappings would be validated wrong
Fixed an error during taxonomy creation
Fixed an issue with duplicate keys
Streamlined update and installation process (now checking for C++ runtime and taxonomy update)
Viewer: Added Anchors and Dimension Members. Fixed issue with wrong dates being displayed.
Added Excel export for result document validation results
.wmf-pictures will now be embedded
Fixed Bugs:
apping could not be restored when editing the document with word due to word truncating the variable
Invalid characters in labels could lead to invalid taxonomy
Fixed missing validation error
Fixed issue with creating result documents from some epubs
Fixed a display issue with some Word tables
Added the 2019 ESEF Taxonomy to the package and introduced a migration dialog
Fixed Bugs:
In rare circumstances tables from Word documents would not show up in the table picker
Fixed Bugs:
Calculcation automatically sets weight attribute
Architecture change from x86 to x64
Fixed Bugs:
Table settings button not visible
Format Editor showing wrong types for extensions
Validation count always displaying 0
Saving Word document fails if tags don't have an alias
Date element cannot be assigned to text
IsSummation not set properly for extensions
Wrong decimals for extensions
Crash when loading Word document
Architecture change from x86 to x64
Fixed Bugs:
Several issues with epub files. For producing correct XHTML output all embedded fonts from ePub should be copied to the folder Fonts in the Tagger installation.
Changing Instant/End Date not possible in some situations
OutOfMemory issues when creating report
Parsing issue with negative numbers
Issue with Word sources leading to missing pages
Mapping Report: Duplicate Worksheet names
Namespace issue leading to the preview document not being created
Issue with labels: Some labels did not change the language
Mapping report now splits entries by table
Create Taxonomy Extension flag will be set automatically if ESEF taxonomy is loaded
Fixed Bugs:
Word preview reenabled, no longer breaks documents
It was possible to tag invalid elements to the table tag
Improved taxonomy references windows
Fixed tag window resizing issues
Fixed issue where it was not possible to use taxonomy namespaces different from http://entityname/xbrl
Fixed Bugs:
Error in iXBRL Viewer
Parsing of epubs not working properly
Improved detection of headers and note column
Proxy usage for license activation
Improved label usage if same element tagged multiple times
Fixed Bugs:
"Add XBRL Extension to Untagged Cells" led to header cells being tagged
Adding of proper reference to anchors to extension taxonomies
Fixed bug with slowly loading word files
Fixed Bugs:
Saving an HTML document led to an exception
Creating a result document from an HTML document led to an exception
Loading a specific HTML document led to an exception
Fixed some issues with specific word documents
Fixed issues with table headers
Fixed Bugs:
It was not possible to create calculation hierarchies that span over more than one table
Fixed Bugs:
When creating a document while the IFRS taxonomy is loaded (instead of the ESEF taxonomy), the referenced taxonomy will be changed from IFRS full to IFRS core, so that elements like the calculation linkbase is not referenced
Fixed Bugs:
When navigating through cells of a table using the arrow keys, the focus will not be lost when switching from a cell with a taxonomy mapping to a cell with an extension
It is now possible to select cells of a table with the mouse which contains both taxonomy taggings and extensions without loosing the focus of the form
Colons cannot be added to the name of an extension element anymore
Dimension taggings were not added to the hypercube of the role if the hypercube was used twice in the same role
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed error where an iXBRL could not be generated if a single table contained an extension element and an anchored element
Integrated New InlineXBRL Viewer
Added Table Preview for Taxonomy Extension
Added Calculation Linkbase Creation
Added A4 Layout and Pagination Option to Word Conversions
Added Functionality to Support Roll Forward of Previously Tagged Documents
Added Basic HTML to XHTML Converter
Added Possibility to add Labels for Additional Languages
Added Last Changed User and Last Change Date
Added Possibility to Comment on Extensions
Added Possibility to tag Whole Column With Dimension Members, Whole Row With Line Item by Dragging Items on Row/Column Label
Added Basic WYSIWYG Text Tagging Functionality for EPUB-based Documents
Added Support for EPUBs based on Multiple InDesign-Documents
Added Possibility to Group Elements by Abstract Elements
Improved UI
Improved Excel Mapping Export
Improved Mapping Restoration Mechanism
Improved Validations
Improved Taxonomy Extension
Added Roll Forward for tables
Added Restore Mode as argument for command line call
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed some scenarios where roll forward would not work properly
Improved mapping restore when both row and column have been moved
Added Roll Forward for tables
Added Restore Mode as argument for command line call
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed default status of cells for HTML documents
Fixed missing ESEF default dimension
Fixed issue with EPUB tables
Fixed issue with dimension members not allowed to tag
Fixed issue with restoring mappings to tables
Fixed issues with dimensional tables
Fixed extensions not being set properly if prior tag exists
Fixed automatic usage of default format if possible
Fixed some UI issues
Fixed Bugs:
Issues with taxonomy languages
Issue with creating extensions when tagging epub or html sources
Usage of wrong parent item for text and mandatory items
Issues with the taxonomy tree
Issues with error messages regarding an invalid license
Autochange of format when tagging
Autoload of ESEF taxonomy if requested
Tagging of percentage elements sets scale to none
Fixed Bugs:
XBRL settings dialog cannot be opened without valid license
Changes tracker sometimes misfired
Issue with mapping deletion
Issue with uppercase entity names
Issue with tagging dimensions to extensions
Getting started wizzard.
AI enhanced Auto Tagger
InDesign Tagger (ePub)
Improved validations and tool tips
Open documents from command line
Added error logging
Fixed Bugs:
Document settings Entity Name and webpage should be lower case and without special characters, added warning.
XBRL Taxonomy tree view sometimes vanishes
Deleting a tag and retagging it with an extension keeps the old tag in the result document
Most recent taxonomy is not saved in new installations
Some issues with taxonomy languages
Several other fixes and a lot of improvements
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed error that Document Settings are not saved when "Default Settings" tag is selected.
Fixed Bugs:
ESEF taxonomy had no english labels. Still the ESEF taxonomy is not fully translated
Changing taxonomy language was not reflected in the tag list
Hidden content in Word is not longer
Negativ numbers with longer dashes or special whitespaces are not tagged correctly
Tagging of comments and content controls in Word is now possible again
Improved error messages and general Word to XHTML conversion
Fixed Bugs:
XHTML Errors fixed
New Features:
Updated built-in ESEF-Taxonomy with ESMA's new release including translations
Added feature to change taxonomy display language
Fixed Bugs:
booleantrue/booleanfalse for formats were not supported
Date format did not appear in resulting InlineXBRL
Some cells could not properly be mapped
"Id attribute invalid" error message
Some issues with textblock tagging
#x200e appearing in resulting HTML
New Features:
Table cells can now be tagged even if the value contains more than just a number. Numbers are parsed by the format set to the cell
Image export mode can be set prior to creating iXBRL. Options: Inline base64 or file
Fixed Bugs:
Mapping restore failed when dimension was tagged but without line item
Delete all table mappings did not work as intended
Changing the due date report wide did not apply to already mapped items (fix only works for new created mappings)
Mapping report could not be created under specific circumstances
Please be aware that Mappings from prior version can no longer be restored due to structural changes to the underlying data format.
You can remove the existing mappings from the Word file. If you need to restore the mappings, please contact xbrl-support@amana.de.
New Features:
Delete Mappings from Word Document
Allow parsing of Word document structure by numbering in addition to headings
Direct Tagging of HTML files
Color Mappings to implement workflow
User-friendly format selection for dates and numbers
Creation of custom dimension members
Functionality to reverse the sign of reported numbers
Possibility to tag Word-Comments, -Textfields and -Content Controls
UI-Cleanup, Bug-Fixes and Improvements