Lucanet CFP interface

Lucanet CFP interface


new in version 24.4.1

The Lucanet Interface now links the Tax Suite with Lucanet CFP, allowing balance sheet data and P/L values to be imported into the Tax Suite.

The initial deployment of this interface was carried out for the Income Taxes module in combination with the enhanced mapping function.

To use this interface, you must first configure it. For this, you'll need to complete a few steps.

Configuration in Lucanet CFP

We recommend that you create a technical user. This user must have the following rights in the Lucanet system to execute the new interface:

  • General: checkbox “User has access to the data model” is active and “Observer” or “Editor” is selected

  • Permissions: checkbox “User has full read permissions for the data model” is active

  • Access: checkbox “REST” is active

Configuration in Tax Data Hub

The first step needs to be done in the Tax Data Hub. Here, you set up the connection parameters to the LucaNet system, and subsequently, this interface becomes accessible across the entire GTC suite.

To establish a new interface connection, navigate to the "Datasources" dialogue and select "Create". You will then be guided step-by-step through the setup process.

First fill in the fields from the following table.

Field Name



User name in the Lucanet system


Password of the user

Datenbase name

Name of the database, e.g. ‘l_ifrs_fin_25_1’

Lucanet client URL

URL of the server, e.g. https://lncloud106.lucanet.cloud

Click on the ‘Next’ button to check whether the connection to the Lucanet CFP can be established. If this is the case, the following input fields for further configuration of the interface appear in a second column:

Field Name



Selecting the ledger

Level depth

The depth up to which data is to be loaded from the source tree structure. The default value -1 means that the entire tree is to be extracted.

Account level

The type of balance sheet objects to be imported. Options: All, Items and Accounts.

Data level

Selecting the data level; See also documentation in Lucanet CFP

Adjustment level

Selecting the adjustment level; See also documentation in Lucanet CFP

Configuration in Income Taxes

Master Data / Interfaces / Structure

After that, make sure to configure the interface within the Income Taxes module. This involves maintaining the interface settings in the master data (Master data / Interfaces / Structures / Create).

Field Name



Label of the interface; displayed as “Configuration interface” in the dialogue “Import Suite”


“Import (enhanced)”

Interface Type / Source

“Tax Data Hub”



Default Interface

Yes: allows displayed in “Import Suite” dialogue

No: only displayed if assigned in the company master data

The remaining options in this dialogue can also be used with other import interfaces. Refer to the user guide for comprehensive details.

Master Data / Interfaces / Import mapping

Position (or account) IDs frequently vary across different IT systems. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a mapping for these position IDs before performing the import.

For this interface the Income Taxes system supports the enhanced mapping, that is described in a separate chapter.

Field Name



Select interface defined in chapter “Master Data / Interfaces”

Balance type

“IFRS / Local GAAP”

Mapping type

“External => IFRS”

Master Data / Companies

The identification codes for reporting units vary between Lucanet CFP and Income Taxes. The Income Taxes system utilizes a "Unit ID," whereas Lucanet CFP employs the property "Object ID" (OID).

To execute the import interface, Income Taxes must be provided with the correct OID for the corresponding reporting unit in Lucanet CFP.

Therefore, a new field named "Company assignment LN-Client" has been added to the master data for companies.

Executing the interface

Now the interface is set up and can be used. To do this, switch to the ‘Import Suite’ dialogue.

Here you can select the configured interface and, if necessary, adjust the Start and End dates. The proposed end date matches the last day of the chosen period, while the start date is typically January 1st of that calendar year.

Press the "Import" button to initiate the process. Within a few moments, the outcome will be shown as an import protocol.

This perspective of the protocol displays a condensed list of all successfully imported positions. To view comprehensive details, including information on positions that weren't imported, please click the 'Import protocol' button.

To finalize and save the import in the tax calculation, click on the "Save" button.

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