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| In order to enable the automatic filling of the Excel files and the interaction between Office files, special names and name additions are stored in SmartNotes, which must be assigned to certain cells, cell ranges or columns within Excel. These serve to easily link Word and PowerPoint documents with the corresponding cell ranges of the Excel tables. It is generally important to ensure that the cells, cell ranges and columns are assigned unique names and that the names are case-sensitive within the Excel tables. SmartNotes uses consecutive numbers when assigning names because Excel does not allow two identical names in principle. Especially when names are entered manually by the user in Excel, this circumstance must be taken into account.
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For fully automatic, semi-automatic and programmed manual tables, a name column must be named via "name_", a value column via "value_" and a programming column via "prog_" and thus defined. |
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Fixed names and suffixes |
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Bezeichnung | Funktion |
outarea outarea [_name] outarea [_name][_language] | Output range for export to Word. Each cell and cell range starting with "outarea" can optionally be supplemented with a name and/or language addition [e.g. outarea_GuV_en]. | name_1 name_1[_language] | Name column, which can optionally be supplemented by a language abbreviation [e.g. name_1, name_1_en]. | value_running number_PeriodID[_language] | Value column, which is provided with a consecutive number and a period ID and can optionally be supplemented with a language supplement. | column_name_running number | Heading of a column [in the case of several "value_" columns], which is provided with a consecutive number. | prog_running number_PeriodID | Programming column, which is provided with a consecutive number and a period ID [e.g. prog_2_PAKTUELLESJAHR]. |
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| In order to achieve uniqueness within the nomenclature of the Excel tables and thus simplify the programming for the report values, fixed names and name additions are used in SmartNotes. These are shown in the following two tables as an overview. A detailed description of the individual items can be found in the following chapters. Names written in italics are descriptive placeholders which are replaced by the corresponding values [e.g. "sequence number" as a description for the value "2"]. Descriptions enclosed in "[ ]" represent optional name additions [e.g. "[_language]" as a reference to an optional addition of the language abbreviation "[_en]"]. |
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Bezeichnung | Funktion |
sn_title | Title of the corresponding chapter | sn_duedate | Due date of the document | sn_year | Reference year of the document, e.g. "2021". | sn_unit | Abbreviation for the output format of the Excel file during check-in [e.g. million]. |
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| Cell areas that are filled and updated by SmartNotes. |
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| In each Excel file, a cell range must be defined as the output range via the name "outarea". This can be displayed in a Word file and thus represents the data basis for the tables in result documents. The name can consist only of "outarea" or optionally be supplemented by a name suffix and/or a language suffix in the form of the country abbreviation. The output area must also be created in purely manual tables if they are to be exported to other output formats such as Word or PowerPoint files. |
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title | via the SmartNotes Ribbon |
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| The easiest way to assign names is to use the SmartNotes Ribbon in Excel. To do this, the desired cell, cell range or column is marked and the appropriate entry is selected from the SmartNotes Ribbon. Depending on whether a cell or cell range or an entire column is selected, the display of the ribbon changes context-sensitively. |
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| Name ranges still to be created are marked with the corresponding symbols. |
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| Alternatively, the normal context menu can be opened at any time with a right click. The menu item "SmartNotes..." contains the functions provided by SmartNotes depending on the context. |
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| After creating the name ranges, the corresponding cells are not yet filled with the respective content. To get a preview of the changes made, use the "Refresh" button in the SmartNotes ribbon. Afterwards, the reference year of the document appears in the name range "sn_year", for example. |
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title | Define several columns simultaneously |
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| SmartNotes stellt die Möglichkeit zur Verfügung, mehrere nicht direkt nebeneinander liegende Spalten gleichzeitig zu benennen. Dazu werden zunächst die gewünschten Spalten markiert; entweder mit gedrückter linker Maustaste und dem anschließendem Ziehen eines Bereiches oder mit Hilfe der gedrückten „Strg“-Taste und dem gezielten Auswählen durch den Mauszeiger plus Klick. Anschließend kann im Bereich „Spalten“ im SmartNotes Ribbon die gewünschte Funktion ausgewählt werden. Die Unterpunkte der verschiedenen Menüs werden nun kontextsensitiv mit der Bezeichnung „Range einfügen“ versehen. Im gegebenen Beispiel werden nun die selektierten Spalten I bis L als Wertespalten des aktuellen Jahres – bzw. der aktuellen Periode – definiert. Dabei wird SmartNotes die fortlaufende Nummerierung der Spalten selbst vornehmen, so dass Spalte I als „value_1_PAKTUELLESJAHR01“ benannt wird und Spalte L als „value_4_PAKTUELLESJAHR01“.
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| Dasselbe Vorgehen ist natürlich auch für die korrespondierenden Programmierspalten –sowie weitere Spaltentypen – möglich, wodurch sich eine lohnenswerte Zeitersparnis bei der initialen Anlage von SmartNotes-Tabellen ergibt. Im gegebenen Beispiel für die Programmierspalten wurde eine gezielte Selektion mit der „Strg“-Taste vorgenommen. |
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title | Display created names |
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| Excel provides an overview of all names already created via a drop-down list. With a left click on the respective name, the corresponding cell range is marked and highlighted. |
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| All existing names can also be displayed with the help of the "Name Manager". The assistant can be found in the ribbon "Formulas" under the button "Name Manager". If you work with the AddIns instead of the ribbons, you can reach the Name Manager via the Excel menu "Formulas".
In the "Name Manager", all assigned names are listed together with their reference ranges, values and other information. The entries can be filtered and sorted according to various categories.
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title | Edit and delete names |
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| The names assigned to cells, cell ranges and columns in Excel can be edited and deleted in different ways. The different methods are described in this chapter. In Excel, created names can be changed and deleted via the "Name Manager". To open the wizard, use the "Name Manager" button in the "Formulas" ribbon. |
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| For editing, the desired name is marked and the assistant "Edit name" is called up with the button "Edit". To save changes made, the assistant must be closed with the "OK" button. To delete a name, select the desired name and start the deletion process by pressing the "Delete" button. After confirming the subsequent security question, the name is deleted from the name list.
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Changes to names have a direct impact on programming or linking to Word Power Point. For example, if the name of the outarea is changed, it must be re-inserted in Word or Power Point. |
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title | Editing names via the SmartNotes Ribbon |
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| Another way to edit names is to use the SmartNotes ribbon. To do this, the cell range must not be selected. The functions of the SmartNotes ribbon are provided context-sensitively. Existing name ranges that can be edited [moved] via the SmartNotes Ribbon are marked with a corresponding symbol. Image Modified Editing names is generally done in the SmartNotes ribbon by relocating cells, cell ranges or columns. To do this, the new cell, the new cell range or the new column is marked and the respective name to be moved is selected via the SmartNotes ribbon. |
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title | Delete names via the SmartNotes Ribbon |
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| The SmartNotes ribbon offers the possibility to delete created names individually or altogether. If a single name is to be deleted, it is selected either via the name field or directly via the cell[s] and then removed via the menu item "Delete name". There is no confirmation prompt. |
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| To delete all created names, it is not necessary to select a specific cell or cell range. The button "Remove all names" in the SmartNotes Ribbon can be used at any time. To do this, however, the security question "Remove all names" must be confirmed beforehand. Note |
This function deletes all names in the name manager irrevocably. |
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